Tuesday 8 October 2024

What are you reading?

 Professor Sir Jonathan Bate, of Oxford university - laments the failure of students today - not reading enough. On The Today programme yesterday morning he expressed exasperation. In the past he said - "you could ask a student to read three books a week - David  Copperfield, Great Expectations and Bleak House. Now it's one book in three weeks". Whatever the cause, it's having a deliberating impact of their ability to think critically. He concludes "the intensive thoughtful and quiet reading of great literature is good for mental health". I remember reading many years ago Oliver Twist, Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov - and the great pleasure it gave me. Today I've started Bleak House by Dickens - and so far so good. What of the future if students of literature - aren't reading great books - that make you think critically and help concentration? Perhaps there will be a revival, before it's too late? 

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