Wednesday 9 October 2024

Brighton 1984.

 The Grand Hotel in Brighton was the scene of a IRA attack in October 1984. Mrs Thatcher, the prime minister was almost killed by the bomb, that devastated the front of the building. She was in the town as it was the annual Conservative Party conference. The explosion happen some time after 2am - as she was putting the finishing touches to her conference speech. Robin Butler, the cabinet secretary was with her at the time. Patrick Magee, was the IRA man who planted the bomb some weeks before - it was primed to detonate some weeks later. Five people were killed and many more suffered life changing injuries. The programme last night on BBC 2 - New Insights into the 1984 Brighton bomb - was an educational experience. One MP who died had a daughter - who got to know the murderer Patrick Magee. They met many times over many years and it clear!y effected them both deeply. Does violence ever justify killing people for a political end? Do the - ends justify the means? 

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