Tuesday 15 October 2024

At home - my favourite starter.

 Today I enjoyed my favourite starter and that is - Melton Mowbray Pork Pie, with pickled gerkins and very good strong cheddar. I also enjoyed - as an accompaniment a very delicious - carnamelised red onion chutney. This was all  washed down with an English ale. Had I gone out for my lunch in this part of Kent, near Sevenoaks - that would easily have set me close to £15 - with beer, service charge and VAT. I didn't have to leave home for an outstanding starter. Now for a little afternoon snooze. 

Investment Summit in London.

 The new Labour government was keen to established - at the Investment Summit - Britain was open for business. After the chaos of the last few years under the Conservative Party, this was welcome news. The international business community - was at the Guildhall in the City of London - where the red carpet was out. The prime minister, made every effort to make them feel at home. They represented companies like Black Rock, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and many others. However the - proof of the pudding is in the eating. Will they make the necessary investments in the UK to get the growth? Without this the government will not be able to make the changes required for a - brighter future. 

Monday 14 October 2024

Internal migration.

Only a few years ago Scotland and Wales were seeing migration into England. Now the trend has been reversed, as more and more citizens in England - find its now just too expensive to live here. According to the latest data from the ONS to June 2023 - Wales has witnessed a 65% increase and Scotland 11%. We all know how expensive, especially living in London and the South is -  but these migrations are not only from this part of the country. In Wales buying a home is so much cheaper, similarly in Scotland. Moreover there are distinct - benefits to the new life style. Last night on BBC 1 the Countrfile programme, described a wonderful annual event - the Stranraer Oyster Festival - that brought many people from across Scotland and also England. In fact one person had come from Australia. So this new reverse phenomenon - of internal migration - is changing the face of these islands. Who would have thought this only a few years ago? 

Sunday 13 October 2024

Alex Salmon.

 The Scottish leader Alex Salmon, has died at the age of 69. The Independence Referendum in 2014 - was a bitter disappointment for him - as he lost the vote. He resigned from the SNP and formed another political party. Many have suggested that without him - there would never had been an independence vote. It's now very unlikely - there will be an independent Scotland, according to the economic historian Niall Ferguson - "not every country gets independence".

Newscast podcast.

 On the BBC Sounds Newscast podcast on Friday evening - the prime minister Keir Starmer, gave an half hour thoughtful interview with - Adam Flemming and Nick Mason - on how the first 100 days had progressed. Overall he was positive, despite the - head winds that had hit the government. There had been unfortunately the riots over the summer, issues with staff and more recently the faux pas by Louise Haigh, the transport secretary. Nevertheless he is 'optimistic things will now improve. As the prime minister Harold Macmillan, famously said many years ago "events dear boy, events". Just so with Keir Starmer. Let's hope now the - ship of state - is on the right course. 

Saturday 12 October 2024

Looking to the future.

 In The Times today there was an interesting article by Michael Bloomberg, one time mayor of New York. He is very optimistic about the future of Britain. He suggests a number of reasons for this opinion. Firstly a stable government for at least the next five years and probably longer and up to 10 years. The importance of the City of London as one of the two major financial services centres, a rules based system and legal system without parallel. The English language and common law - which offers stability and respected legal system. London has world class arts: including opera, ballet, classical music, theatre, museums and arts galleries like - the National Gallery, Tate Britain, Tate Modern, the NPG  and Royal Academy. A much improved transport system in the capital with the recent opening of the Elizabeth Line. In addition there is the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) and vast invest in the area around the Olympic Park, in East London. There is a collection of world leading arts companies - including the V&A, BBC Music, Sadlers Wells theatre and other organisations. So the whole area is buzzing. There is also the - worlds largest sculpture park The Line. So London is the place to invest - Michael Bloomberg, is right to feel optimistic. 

Friday 11 October 2024


According to the - Third Leader in The Times today (always worth reading. In fact when my children were young - I would ask them each day "had they read the Third Leader"? Invariably, they hadn't). We can solemnly announce the - long awaited death of the - fish knife. What was the original purpose of this ridiculous piece of cutlery? It was always pretentious and unnecessary. The petty bourgeoisie - had a particular addiction to this flummery. It was an etiquette cul - de - sac. Thank goodness - we aren't exposed to this otiose chicanery any longer.