Thursday 17 October 2024

The Stirling Prize for architecture 2024.

 Despite great competition from an array of top architects the RIBA Stirling Prize for Architecture this year was won by the designers of The Elizabeth Line - part of the underground tube system. The company was Grimshaw, Maynard et al. I traveled on the Lizzie Line, as it’s been renamed, shortly after it opened and was very impressed with its splendid sense of space and cathedralesque quality. Moving many hundreds of thousands of passengers a day in effortless ease. If you had the impression that Britain cannot make anything or build  anything of quality and style - then this will disabuse you and any sceptic. Check it out for yourself. 

The Apprentice.

 The film The Apprentice has just been released in the UK. The life and loves of Trump, are under the spotlight. The actor from Succession Jeremy Strong, plays a leading role as the malevolent New York attorney and chum to Trump. Apparently the real Donald J. Trump has taken umbrage about the film and called the actors “scum”. There are fears that some of Trump supporters, could take action against the film and possibly the actors? But as Andy Warhol, famously said years ago “there is no such thing as bad publicity”. Trump, has given publicity to this film that those in the business would think is - pure gold. I’m seeing it tmrw afternoon and will do my blog about it on Friday evening. 

The World Cup in 2026.

How deeply ironic it would be if under the leadership of a German manager Thomas Tuchel, we were to win the World Cup. It would be 60 years since we last won against Germany - back at Wembley in 1966. Tuchel, has a good pedigree and was the manager of Chelsea, when they won the Champions League. Football is a tribal sport and produces great loyalty and commitment from its fans. England has in recent years got close to winning, but not succeeding at the last moment. Often because of our national nickname - penalties. If Tuchel, can help us out of our repeated nightmare he will - go down in history. He is assisted by Anthony Barry, who has worked with Tuchel at Chelsea and Bayern Munich and is highly regarded in the profession. So the World Cup is only 18 months away, so come on England. 

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Has conkers gone bonkers?

 At the World Championship on Sunday in Southwick, Northamptonshire, the chief judge Mr Jenkins, has been accused of flagrant cheating. The charge - he rebuts very strongly. Nevertheless there is unease in the conker world that - there is a whiff of sculduggery in the air. How will it all end? 

Francis Bacon 1909 - 1992.

 I went on Monday to see the new Francis Bacon, exhibition at the NPG. If you know his work this won’t disappoint and if you’re not familiar, then get ready to be blown away. There is a vast collection of portraits of old friends and colleagues. A few are of Bacon as a young man and one in particular is extraordinary of him as if like Rembrandt - with a beret in old age. A lovely one of his old friend Lucian Freud - makes a ghostly appearance. I didn’t know they became estranged in later life and never spoke again. The erudite, mischievous and ebullient - chief art critic of The Sunday Times, Waldemar Januszezak says ‘Bacon as I never expected’. So get along to the NPG - before the 19 January and be enthralled and educated. 

Tuesday 15 October 2024

At home - my favourite starter.

 Today I enjoyed my favourite starter and that is - Melton Mowbray Pork Pie, with pickled gerkins and very good strong cheddar. I also enjoyed - as an accompaniment a very delicious - carnamelised red onion chutney. This was all  washed down with an English ale. Had I gone out for my lunch in this part of Kent, near Sevenoaks - that would easily have set me back close to £15 - with beer, service charge and VAT. I didn't have to leave home for an outstanding starter. Moreover - I can repeat this gourmet lunch on at least a further 4 occasions - to a grand total of £75. So eating at home is not only an excellent idea, I can enjoy the meal again and and save money. Now for a little afternoon snooze. 

Investment Summit in London.

 The new Labour government was keen to established - at the Investment Summit - Britain was open for business. After the chaos of the last few years under the Conservative Party, this was welcome news. The international business community - was at the Guildhall in the City of London - where the red carpet was out. The prime minister, made every effort to make them feel at home. They represented companies like Black Rock, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and many others. However the - proof of the pudding is in the eating. Will they make the necessary investments in the UK to get the growth? Without this the government will not be able to make the changes required for a - brighter future.